“There are three things you can control every day. Your attitude, your effort and your actions.”
The fact is simple. You are NOT in control. Not of everything, at least. However, you can focus on what is within your control and play the odds. If you focus on the things you can control, you will place yourself in the most ideal situations, most often. By doing that, odds are, life will work out the way you want it more often than not.
How Do You Do This?
So, how do you do this? By focusing on what you can control.
How do you know what you can control? You must start by understanding the difference between what you can control and what you can’t. This is very important.
I personally believe there are three things that you can focus on every day to ensure you’re focusing on what you can control.
These three things are your attitude, your effort and your actions.
- Keep a positive attitude
- Work hard every day
- Ensure your actions are making yourself and others better
If you can do these three simple things each day, you’re focusing on areas you can control and that are important.
Choose to be positive. Positivity is contagious. Positivity makes you worth interacting with each day. Be someone that other people look forward to seeing each say.
I challenge you to try and be the most enthusiastic person you know. See how much this impacts those around you in a positive way.
Your work ethic doesn’t form overnight. It takes years and years of honing your skills and grinding until you reach your goals. You get to those goals by putting in the work. By sitting at the desk and working hard.
I equate this to the age-old question, “how to you eat an elephant?” One bite at a time. Show up and do the work and work hard each day, one day at a time. Stack these hard-working days on top of each other and eventually you naturally form your work ethic.
You know the Golden Rule. Treat others as you would want to be treated. It is a maxim found in many religions and popular culture. Align your actions with your long term values and beliefs.
Go out of your way to be kind to those around you. Open a door. Give a compliment. Ask someone how they’re doing — and genuinely listen to their answer. Take someone out to lunch. You’ll be amazed at how these acts of kindness will transform your life.
Focus on what you can control to ensure your life works out the way you want. There can be a lot of variables in your life and you can’t control many of them. Focus on what you can control and watch your life change. I promise it’s not a cliché, it’s the truth.
What about you? Will you start focusing on these three areas to change your life for the better?